Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Assignment 6

I choose some one I really related to and he was Harry Jerome. He set a world record of 10.2 sec in the 100m sprint in the year of 1960 and it gets better he kept on beating his own record so in total he set 4 world records. Here are his times: 1960 10.2 sec, 1961 9.3sec, 1962 9.2, 1966 9.1. Sadly he died of a brain aneurysm in December 1982, at the age of only 42.

Here is a cool fact i learned about him"It is said that his spirit wonders around Harry Jerome Sports Center in Burnaby. Their have been numerous sightings from customers as well as the staff. One man said that at night he sees a blurred image of a man sprinting around the track." Comment if you think this is true or not i would like to know what you think.

This is the web site i got most of the info from wikipedia and here is the web site that gave me the idea to do him


  1. Hi Trevor,

    Thanks for your comment about the MLK Jr videos. It was very insightful. It is believed that MLK Jr ad-libbed (made up on the spot) a lot of his very famous speech. Pretty amazing, eh?

  2. so have i done every thing in history???

  3. That's too bad to hear about Harry Jerome dying from that brain aneurysm.

    Nice blog, Trev

    Response by TimL
